
People who know me know that my media intake is choosy to the point of veganism, and that I steer clear of anything that sets off my internal spoiler sense. Oftentimes to a degree that sees me become obnoxious in conversation. That said, I won't give anything away here in case you've got as much invested in it as I did before I saw it.

Whether or not you enjoyed this movie, you've got to admit that most of the excitement built up for it (and thus, most of the revenue) is due to the ballsy marketing campaign. Aside from the mysterious trailer that sparked the whole witch hunt, most of the information that trickled in over the months has been word of mouth and spending time on search engines and Wikipedia. When you do your own PI work like that for a movie, it builds up some anticipation and makes you fill in the blanks--indeed, this is why a lot of people were so let down.

Major complaints, as far as I can tell , has been:

Let's face it guys. Without the shaky camera, this would have been a lame rehashing of all these infinite "Beautiful People Screaming" movies. Without the nod toward huge Hollywood production effects, it would have been Blair Witch (which I enjoyed tremendously). Sometimes I go to Rotten Tomatoes and read the opposite opinions of mine just to get angry. Far too many critics are subhumans who keep a thesaurus handy, and movie critics are the worst about that. Have you ever wanted, as I have, to be a critic critic? Like, rate movie critics one to five stars, and publish which ones you think make a good point and which ones are empty creatures? I guess it's a living though, so if you can make money doing that, more power to you, or something.

stub | 01.28.08 | Permalink